Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grocery Store Stalkers

You know what I mean, don't you? You are doing your big weekly load of shopping so you have to go down virtually every aisle, and for some inexplicable reason, there is another shopper (usually a big family with oodles of kids in tow) who is in every aisle you are at the same time, no matter what you try to do to avoid them.

I just got back from a shopping trip. Starting at the deli counter, there was this family of five - Mom, Dad, and 3 very small (and energetic) kids. While it only takes one person to walk up to a deli counter to place an order for meats and cheeses, this family decided to camp out in front of the counter with their basket and all five members, taking up at least half of the space. Nevermind there were many other shoppers awaiting their turn to even get a look at the display to decide what they wanted and to place their orders - no, Annoying Family (hereafter referred to as "AF") were oblivious to all but themselves. I finally was able to place my order and, as I was leaving, I narrowly avoided running into 2 of the kids with my shopping cart, not that I didn't momentarily fantasize about accidentally not seeing them.

It progressed from there.

No matter what aisle I was in, AF was there. And in every instance, I had to wait for them to clear a space in the aisle so I could pass them. This seemed to be their big family outing, a big event; not to mention that these parents fed their kids a nice lunch, taking them to each and every sample location in the store. The mother would look at me, laugh, apologize for being in my way YET AGAIN, but she never did anything to get her kids under control. She thought we were exchanging knowing glances with one another, two women who know what it is all about, when all I was doing was smiling through gritted teeth while marvelling at how oblivious some people can be. I also noted that this woman's husband, the presumed father of the 3 urchins underfoot, behaved almost as badly as the kids did.

They were everywhere. Even the feminine protection aisle. I mean, COME ON!

In a last, insulting encounter, they cut me off as I was leaving the parking lot. One last, apologetic smile (and wave!) from the woman, and AF was gone. I thought of how difficult it must be for her to get those kids settled down and into bed each night, and smiled. Serves her right for bearing the spawn of Satan.

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